Tuesday, August 26, 2008

More helpful websites

Here are a few more helpful websites for lifelong learning and recreation. Check them out at your leisure and pleasure :o)

ALA Adult Learners Resource Center (http://www3.baylor.edu/LIRT/adultlearning.htm)

The Librarian's Weapon of Mass Instruction

Elderhostel Adventures in Lifelong Learning

Saturday, August 2, 2008


A wonderful resource for adult learners is a website from The Teaching Company called The Great Courses (http://www.thegreatcourses.com/teach12.aspx?ai=29872). It offers courses taught by renowned university professors in everything from art & music to nuclear physics (for example, "Einstein's Relativity and the Quantum Revolution: Modern Physics for Non-Scientists"). This website has been one of my favorites for years, made known to me through my community library (no Internet search engine involved here :o). As with my blog's topic, the joy of lifelong learning is the theme for this website, which states "The Teaching Company brings engaging professors into your home or car through courses on DVD, audio CD, and other formats. Since 1990, great teachers from the Ivy League, Stanford, Georgetown, and other leading colleges and universities have crafted over 250 courses for lifelong learners like you. It's the adventure of learning without the homework or exams." Look up the course offerings at this site but don't order anything until after checking with your local public libraries; chances are they already have your picks waiting for you there!

Through Google search engine I've found a another great website that supports my theme of lifelong learning called Ageless Learner: Curious For Life! (http://agelesslearner.com/). This is an educational website & advisory services firm which provides organizations with educational resources that appeal to learners of every generation. According to their introduction, "In this website we provide fresh resources and solid information. No mumbo jumbo here. Only proven practices you can put to use today. " Below is a sample menu from the website:


Through the search engine in YouTube I found an excellent video featuring a college professor inside a library talking about lifelong learning and creativity. She shares some interesting insights on how learning is forever ("When in our lives are we most creative? In our 50's, 60's and yes, our 70's...").

Also included below is a photograph* illustrating an approachable and user-friendly reference area in a busy public library. Both this image and above video support my theme of lifelong learning using library resources.

*Pitney, B. & Slote, N. (2007). Going mobile: The KCLS roving reference model. Public Libraries, 46(1), 54-68. Photo is from page 61. Past issues of Public Libraries may be accessed from http://www.ala.org/ala/pla/plapubs/publiclibraries/publiclibraries.cfm